(Bagian I)

 Grammar secara umum mengacu pada aturan-aturan yang mengatur struktur kalimat dalam suatu bahasa, termasuk di dalamnya adalah:

  • Tenses: Menunjukkan waktu terjadinya suatu tindakan (misalnya, present tense, past tense, future tense).
  • Verb tenses: Bentuk-bentuk kata kerja yang berbeda untuk menunjukkan waktu.
  • Subject-verb agreement: Kesepakatan antara subjek dan kata kerja dalam kalimat.
  • Parts of speech: Bagian-bagian kata dalam kalimat (noun, verb, adjective, adverb, dll.).
  • Sentence structure: Struktur kalimat (simple, compound, complex).
  • Punctuation: Tanda baca.


 Tenses adalah salah satu aspek penting dalam grammar karena menentukan kapan suatu tindakan terjadi dan memberikan konteks yang jelas dalam sebuah kalimat.

 Penjelasan Singkat tentang Present Tense

  • Simple Present Tense: Digunakan untuk menyatakan fakta umum, kebiasaan, atau kegiatan yang rutin dilakukan.
  • Present Continuous Tense: Digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung pada saat berbicara.

 Berikut beberapa soal latihan grammar dalam bentuk present tense

 Pilihlah jawaban yang benar untuk melengkapi kalimat berikut:

  1. I ______ to school every day. a. goes b. go c. going d. am going
  2. She ______ a book now. a. reads b. is reading c. read d. has read
  3. They ______ from Indonesia. a. comes b. is coming c. come d. are coming
  4. The sun ______ in the east. a. rises b. is rising c. rose d. has risen
  5. We usually ______ dinner at 7 pm. a. have b. are having c. had d. has had

Ubahlah kalimat berikut menjadi bentuk present continuous tense:

  1. She plays the piano.
  2. They live in a big house.
  3. He works as a doctor.
  4. We study English.
  5. It rains heavily.
  1. What do you do every morning?
  2. Where is she going now?
  3. What are they eating for lunch?
  4. Does he like to play football?
  5. How often do you visit your grandparents?
  6. Penjelasan Singkat tentang Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense: Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu tindakan yang dimulai di masa lalu dan masih berlanjut sampai sekarang, atau tindakan yang sudah selesai dilakukan di masa lalu tetapi hasilnya masih relevan dengan sekarang.

Berikut beberapa soal latihan grammar dalam bentuk present perfect tense

 Pilihlah jawaban yang benar untuk melengkapi kalimat berikut:

  1. I ______ my homework yet. a. have finished b. finish c. finished d. am finishing
  2. She ______ to Paris twice. a. goes b. has gone c. went d. is going
  3. They ______ never seen a kangaroo. a. have b. has c. had d. are having
  4. We ______ already eaten. a. have b. has c. had d. are having
  5. He ______ just arrived home. a. has b. have c. had d. is having

 Ubahlah kalimat berikut menjadi bentuk present perfect tense:

  1. I read this book last week.
  2. She lived in London for five years.
  3. They played football yesterday.
  4. He visited his grandparents last month.
  5. We ate pizza for dinner.

 Jawablah pertanyaan berikut dalam bentuk kalimat lengkap:

  1. Have you ever been to Japan?
  2. How long has she studied English?
  3. Have they finished the project yet?
  4. What have you eaten today?
  5. Where have they been?

  Contoh Tambahan:

  1. Kalimat Negatif:
    • She hasn’t seen that movie before.
    • They haven’t finished their work yet.
  2. Kalimat Tanya:
    • Have you ever been to the United States?
    • How long has he lived in this city?
  3. Penggunaan for dan since
    • I have lived in this house for 10 years.
    • She has been studying English since 2010.


  • Perhatikan penggunaan kata kerja bantu have dan has.
  • Pastikan bentuk kata kerja ketiga (past participle) benar.

Latihan Multiple Choice (Pilihan Ganda)

  1. Simple Present Tense:
    • I _____ to school every day. a. go b. goes c. went d. going
    • She _____ a book now. a. reads b. read c. is reading d. will read
  2. Present Continuous Tense:
    • They _____ soccer in the park. a. play b. plays c. are playing d. played
    • It _____ now. a. rains b. is raining c. rained d. will rain
  3. Present Perfect Tense:
    • I _____ my homework. a. finish b. finishes c. have finished d. finished
    • She _____ to Bali twice. a. goes b. has gone c. went d. will go
  • Fill the blank (Mengisi Kalimat Kosong)
  • My brother _____ (play) basketball everyday.
  • We _____ (study) English now.
  • She _____ (visit) Jakarta twice this year

Answer the questions (Menjawab Pertanyaan)

  • What do you do every morning? ..She/He/They/We
  • What are you doing now? ..She/He/They/We
  • Have you ever eaten sushi? ..She/He/They/We

Change the sentence (Mengubah Kalimat)

  • Ubahlah kalimat berikut menjadi bentuk negatif
    • I like coffee. …. (She/He/They/We)
    • They play tennis  ((She/He/They/We)
    • They play tennis… (She/He/They/We)
    • I like coffee.   (She/He/They/We)
  • Ubahlah kalimat berikut menjadi bentuk pertanyaan (question sentence)
    • I like coffee. …. (She/He/They/We)
    • They play tennis  ((She/He/They/We)
    • They play tennis… (She/He/They/We)
    • I like coffee.   (She/He/They/We)